

  • Embedded payment: generate card payment form in your payment page and let GrubPay handle the rest
  • Redirected payment: be redirected to GrubPay page to create a transaction
  • Direct payment: create a transaction with one api call (PCI compliance required)

Before Integration

Before integration, merchants need to sign a contract with GrubPay and get the merchant ID, merchant key and login name.

Terminologies and Concepts


This document will refer to the following terms. Developers should familiarize themselves with these terms.

MerchantA merchant onboard GrubPay
CustomerA customer of a merchant of GrubPay (usually a buyer)
JS SDKA JS software library developed by GrubPay for merchants using their own payment page
Redirected IntegrationProtocol for merchants using GrubPay's payment page
Embedded IntegrationProtocol for merchants using their own payment page via JS SDK
Auth APIGrubPay's universal api for tokenizing cards and creating transactions
TokenToken representation of a customer card, can be used repeatedly for future API calls
TokenizeMaking a request to Auth API for a token
PurchaseMaking a request to Auth API to create a transaction
CaptureApprove a transaction to proceed forward to settlement
secureIdA session identifier for Embedded integration protocol
ACHAn Automated Clearing House bank transfer is an electronic payment made between banks, requiring sender's account information

Request / Response format

All request and response are in JSON format. It should not be treated as fixed or as a schema, new fields may be added as the API evolves, and the order of fields may change. Your applications must therefore be resilient to the reordering of fields within a JSON object.

Integration Workflow

The flow is slightly different for the two methods, but it all starts with calling Auth API from the backend.

Last Updated:
Contributors: Edward, Grant, grant, Grant Yao